"Desperate Housewives" question (SPOILER ALERT)
(too old to reply)
2010-04-26 07:44:38 UTC
Several weeks ago, John Barrowman was in a couple of scenes of DH
as someone who was trying to find a woman he'd known previously.
From what other people told me, it was Drea DeMatteo's character
that he was looking for. He murdered the woman who told him where
that woman was, and since then...zilch. The show went into reruns
for a few weeks, then I taped an episode that I think had a glimpse
of him, then tonight, he wasn't in at all. Did I miss some episodes
after the reruns and they resolved that storyline, or has he really
not been back yet?
As always, you can check what you may have recently missed on Hulu.
There've been some repeats, but last week's and last night's eps were
new, and I have not seen last night's ep yet. I will catch up later
this morning.

The new neighbor's storyline is almost never completed before the
season finale. Last I saw, he came to town and found his son, Danny
Bolen, working at the coffee shop,


He did think about stalking and killing his ex, Angie Bolen, but now
it appears he will "kidnap", or more likely seduce Danny to run away
with him, using force if necessary. This is not connected to the
serial killer plotline...,


because that was revealed last week to be a friend of Porter Scavo. He
killed the jilted Russian fiancee. Anyway, they must be taking there
cue from the comic books, because they have two mystery crackpots
instead of one this season, plus Rex's bastard.

I can't wait for the Season Finale, because it means more Julie Meyer
as she needs to confront her strangler for any sort of proper
Patty Winter
2010-04-26 13:35:41 UTC
Post by Remysun
As always, you can check what you may have recently missed on Hulu.
Sure, I was just trying to find out whether I had actually missed
anything. It takes a while even to skip through an episode to see
whether a specific character is in it, as I did with my tape of
last night's episode. (I taped it while watching "Masterpiece,"
then FF'd through it looking for JB.)
Post by Remysun
The new neighbor's storyline is almost never completed before the
season finale.
Oh, so he's going to be a new permanent character whose storyline
will continue next season? I thought he was just in the show for
a several-episode arc. I've got mixed feelings if he's joining
DH permanently, because I want him back on "Torchwood" and DW!
Post by Remysun
Last I saw, he came to town and found his son, Danny
Bolen, working at the coffee shop,
Okay, thanks, I did catch that scene last week but had forgotten.
Post by Remysun
This is not connected to the
serial killer plotline...,
That's what confused me in the TV listings...

Thanks to Stan for the additional information, too.

2010-04-26 16:34:08 UTC
Post by Patty Winter
Oh, so he's going to be a new permanent character whose storyline
will continue next season? I thought he was just in the show for
a several-episode arc. I've got mixed feelings if he's joining
DH permanently, because I want him back on "Torchwood" and DW!
No, he just has that short episode arc, but it's close to the end of
the season, and the Bolen storyline has waited all year for his
climactic arrival. Like Season Four when Katherine's crazy ex, Wayne,
came a stalking?

So yeah, the biggest confusion has been the assumption that the serial
strangler and Patrick Logan were one and the same. Now that that has
been effectively disproven, the storyline is a lot more complicated
than last year's simple disappointment, which wasted the talents of
Neal McDonough.

Thanks for bringing up the discussion.
Stan Brown
2010-04-26 22:42:13 UTC
Post by Patty Winter
Thanks to Stan for the additional information, too.
De nada -- you've helped me often enough, I'm glad to be able to
reciprocate to any extent.
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
"I'm not as nice as people think I am. I'm studying to be a lawyer."
-- Arthur Schillub, on /Homefront/